Teaching and Talks
I regularly teach courses on Industrial Organisation, Energy Economics and Regulation and Antitrust.
- Energy Economics
PhD in Economics at Universidad Carlos III
Master in Regulation and Competition Policy at Barcelona GSE - Regulation and Competition Policy
Third year, Undergraduate in Economics at Universidad Carlos III - Industrial Organization
Second year, Undergraduate in Economics at Universidad Carlos III - Principles of Economics
First year, Undergraduate in Economics at Universidad Carlos III
Talks and seminars
Here you can find some of my recent presentations:
In English:
- “The Costs of Counterparty Risk in Long-Term Contracts” January 2025. European University Institute. (Slides)
- “Designing Electricity Markets and Contracts” January 2025. DG COMP, European Commission (Slides)
- “Dukovany II: A clear example of how well designed State Aid can lever good policy” November 2024. ACE Conference. (Slides)
- “Phasing in Renewables, Phasing Out Coal: The Local Labor Market Effect” November 2024. Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei. (Slides, Video)
- Electricity Market Design in Transition, EARIE Conference, Presidential Address, August 2024.
- Market Design in the European Electricity Market: Fit for the Future?, NHH-BECCLE Seminar, May 2024.
- Unpacking the Distributional Effects of the Energy Crisis: Evidence from the Spanish Electricity Market, Presidential Address, Simposio de la Asociación Española de Economía, December 2023. [Video]
- Challenges for Renewable Energy Investments, Yale Climate, Environment and Economic Growth Conference, November 2023.
- Renewable Energies and Fossil-Fuels: Mix or Match?, Compass Lexecon Conference, Keynote. September 2023.
- Renewable Energies and Storage: Friends or Foes?, JRC (Ispra), September 2023.
- Decarbonizing power: challenges for expanding renewable energies, State of the Art session, EEA-ESEM Congress. August 2023.
- Reforming European Electricity Markets. Keynote Lecture, BECCLE Conference. June 2023.
- Fossil Fuels and Renewable Energy: Mix or Match?. CUNEF Seminar. April 2023.
- Socio-Economic Aspects of Energy Storage. ERC-EIC Energy Storage Workshop. November 2022.
- Guidelines on State Aid for Climate, Environmental Protection and Energy. ACE Conference. November 2022.
- Electricity Markets in Transition, Meeting with the European Central Bank Governing Council. November 2022.
- The Energy Crisis: Emergency Interventions and Structural Reform, Meeting with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). September 2022.
- Electricity Market Interventions and Market Design, Meeting with the World Bank. October 2022.
- Electricity Market Reforms: Short and Long Term Options, OECD Workshop. October 2022.
- Do renewables create local jobs?, OECD Expert Workshop on Environmental Policies, Social and Economic Outcomes. June 2022.
- Sustainability Agreements, Discussion, Economic Advisory Group on Competition Policy (EAGCP), June 2022.
- Efficiency and Distributional Impacts of Real-Time Pricing for Electricty, Keynote Lecture, 13th Conference on the Economic of Energy and Climate, June 2022. (Video)
- The Electricity Crisis in Spain, Electricity Workshop among European Academics, May 2022.
- The Energy Transition: A Challenge for Industrial Economics, Paris Energy Economics Seminar (Virtual), January 2022.
- The Spanish Economy, the Power Sector and the Pandemic, Bank of Spain, March 2021
- Ensuring the Supply of Essential Goods, Keynote Lecture, OECD Workshop, March 2021
- The Green Deal and Competition Policy, Keynote Lecture, IX International Academic Symposium, February 2021
- Public Policies for the Energy Transition, Keynote Lecture, WIPE, Univeristat Rovira i Virgili, February 2021.
- Technology-Neutral versus Technology-Specific Procurement, Université de Montpellier, November 2020
- Auctioning Renewables, Keynote Lecture, SURED Annual Conference, October 2020 (video)
- The Energy Transition: An Industrial Economics Perspective, Keynote Lecture, EARIE Conference, August 2020 (video)
- Energy in Transition, Universidad Carlos III, June 2020.
- Market Power and Price Discrimination: Learning from Changes in Renewables Regulation, UC Davis Virtual Talk, April 2020.
- The Energy Transition: Markets and Policies, Keynote Lecture, Annual Conference AEEE, Toledo, January 2020.
- The Energy Transition: Markets and Policies, ERCEA Conference, Brussels, December 2019.
- Competition among Renewables, Plenary Session, FSE Climate Annual Conference, Florence, November 2019.
- The Energy Transition: a Research Agenda, Invited Session, EARIE Conference, Barcelona, August 2019.
- Auctions with unknown capacities: understanding competition among renewables, Toulouse School of Economics, June 2019.
- Spanish Cartel of Derivatives in Syndicated Loans, Annual Conference of the Association for Competition Economics (ACE), Bolonia, November 2018
- The Design of Support Schemes for Renewables, BC3 Summer School, Bilbao, July 2018.
- The rise of renewables and competition in electricity markets, Portuguese Competition Authority, Lisbon. February 2018.
- A primer on capacity mechanisms, DG Competition, European Commission. November 2017.
- Information exchange between car manufacturers in Spain, ACE conference, Madrid. November 2017.
In Spanish:
- Una Nueva Arquitectura para los Mercados Eléctricos. CNMC Seminar. January 2023.
- Crisis Energética y ODS: ¿Una oportunidad? II Jornadas Agenda 2030 Ayuntamiento de Barcelona. November 2022.
- La Sociedad ante el Cambio Climático, Jornada COSCE, CSIC, September 2022. (Video)
- La Cuestión Eléctrica, Workshop Banco de España, September 2021.
- Tercer Encuentro de Mujeres en Economía, Keynote Lecture, May 2021.
- La Transición Energética: Nuestra Aportación desde la Universidad, Charla Alumni Carlos III. Enero 2021.
- El MIBEL en el Contexto Europeo: la Transición Energética en Perspectiva, MIBEL Regulators Annual Conference. December 2020.
- ¿Cómo reformar el mercado eléctrico para que se adecue a las características de las renovables? Foro Solar, UNEF. November 2018.